
Road Maintenance


  • Maintain roads under County jurisdiction, such as grading, gravel, drainage ditches and pipe, and right-of-way clearing (mowing and debris removal). State Roads are usually recognized by S-20 (and then a number) such as S-20-34.
  • Install street signs in the County’s jurisdiction.
  • Install new driveways on county roads, the County will furnish 24 feet of 15 inch concrete pipe at no charge. If additional pipe is needed for a wider or additional driveway, the owner is responsible for the cost of additional pipe.
  • Fill in abandoned wells.
  • Clean out pipe on county roads and driveways.
  • Cut grass at county buildings.
  • Remove storm debris from county roads.
  • Maintain driveways that go to two or more residences of occupied houses. The County maintains the section driveway that is used by both residences. Driveways used only by one residence are considered private and not maintained by the County.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much pipe does the county install for a driveway and can additional pipe be purchased?

We install 24 feet of 15 inch concrete pipe at no charge, if more pipe is needed the resident has to pay for the additional pipe.

Does the county fix private driveway?

No, we do not fix private driveways. We will install the entrance to the driveway if it is off a County maintained road.

What is a common driveway?

A common driveway is a section of roadway utilized by two or more occupied residences for providing access to a county road, highway or street. The County Public Works Department will only maintain the section of roadway that the two or more occupied residences actually utilize from the county road, highway or street. Any roadway past this area is not the responsibility of the County.

What does the county do to maintain an unpaved road?

The maintenance may include but is not limited to:

  • Grading and applying crusher-run/gravel
  • Installing street name and traffic control signs
  • Installing driveways and cutting back overhanging branches
  • Mowing shoulders, and/or
  • Drainage improvements